Lebanese Businesses Should Advertise On Google

Missing Out? Why Lebanese Businesses Should Advertise On Google

Advertising on Google: SEM vs SEO

Let us get one thing out of the way from the start, Google Ads (SEM) and SEO serve the same purpose in getting your business noticed online, but have completely different approaches. Understanding the difference can help, especially if you’re considering advertising your business in Lebanon.

If you want to know about a particular sub-topic regarding advertising on Google, feel free to jump to the section you need by clicking its relevant headline.

SEO or Search Engine Advertising, which one is better?

SEO in Simple Terms

Let’s break it down in simple terms. Imagine you’ve got a new coffee shop in Beirut. You want people to find you when they search for “best coffee near me.” You have two main ways to show up on Google: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Google Ads.

SEO is like planting a garden. You choose the right spot (keywords), plant your seeds (content), and take care of it over time (updating your website and content). It takes a while, but eventually, your garden grows, and you get fruits (or in this case, people finding your coffee shop through Google search). It’s a long game, but it’s pretty cool because it’s almost free, and the effects last a long time.

Google Ads in Simple Terms

Google Ads, on the other hand, is more like putting up a big sign that says, “Hey, come check out our coffee!”  You pay for the sign (ads), and more people see it right away. You can decide where to put the sign, how big it should be, and who should see it based on what kind of coffee they like or where they live. And if you ever think you’re spending too much money on the sign, you can take it down or move it somewhere else.

 In a nutshell, SEO is a slow and steady race to get noticed on Google for free, while Google Ads is a quick and paid way to jump to the front of the line. Both are great, but they work differently. For businesses in Lebanon, figuring out which one (or a mix of both) to use can make all the difference in getting your name out there.

In this article, we will focus on the benefits of Google Ads for Lebanese businesses, so you guessed it… no more SEO from this point onward.

Should You Advertise On Google?

If you’re undecided about whether to advertise on Google, here’s a simple guide to help you decide.

1st you have to ask yourself, is your business searchable on Google? If you intend to sell your grandma’s homemade cheese product that no one knows except in your hometown village, chances are high that no one will search for that product. 

Think about what you offer. Maybe it’s the tastiest manakish in town, innovative tech solutions, or trendy fashion that deserves a runway. If people are likely to hit up Google with a “near me” or “best in Lebanon” to find services or products like yours, then yes, Google Ads is your go-to starting line.


Budget Managment for Advertising on Google

Another thing to keep in mind is the budget, this is quite tricky because the budget can mean you are spending money on ads and getting relatively fast results, and yes relatively fast because a Google Ads campaign can take between 1-3 months to hit its full potential.

On the other hand waiting for SEO to kick in can take up to 9 months, so you have to decide the balance between investing in SEO and waiting and paying all that overhead, or going directly to Google Ads, paying more but getting results faster to compensate for your ongoing costs. (Sorry I promise this is the last time I mention SEO)


a 3D illustration of a middle easter man contemplating using Google Ads

So Which One Should You Choose?

That being said, the best route if you have the budget, is investing in both, but if you have to choose, you are better off with PPC advertising, especially if you are somewhat new. 

Why is that the case? Let’s have a look at what makes this platform unique, and why some Lebanese digital marketing agencies prefer Google Ads to other platforms.

Google Ads’ Mighty Reach in Lebanon

Did you know that over 95% of internet searches in Lebanon happen on Google? That’s almost everyone who’s online! This massive market share makes Google Ads a powerhouse for Lebanese businesses aiming to advertise online. But it’s not just about search; Google Ads extends to shopping, partners, display networks, Gmail, and YouTube which is the second largest search engine in the world after Google. 

YouTube is one of the largest search engines in the world second only to Google

You can launch a campaign specifically to show on search results with Search campaigns, showcase your products on the shopping results if you are an e-commerce brand, or on all of the Google ecosystems by using Performance Max or the new powerful AI-powered Demand Gen campaigns that use very smart algorithms for maximizing ROI with Google Ads and is even claimed to be better by 60% than social media campaigns in some cases.

It is worth mentioning that while social media is a powerful marketing tool, hashtag relevancy is somewhat debatable, you can read more about hashtags relevancy in 2024

On the other hand, Keywords are here to stay and no matter how smart the Google algorithm gets, there will be a place for the good old high-intent targeted keyword.

 A brief explanation for Demand Gen and Performance Max; Imagine your business popping up not only when someone searches on Google but also when they’re watching a video on YouTube or checking their Gmail. It’s like being everywhere your potential customers are (according to Google’s smart algorithm), all at once. 

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Brief Case Studies & Use Cases

Digital advertising strategies for Lebanese SMEs & the benefits of Google Ads for Lebanese businesses:


  •   An emerging Lebanese online marketplace adjusted its ad strategies based on performance data from Google Ads, optimizing its campaigns to reach more customers with a limited budget.
  •   A small fashion boutique in Beirut utilized Google Ads’ flexibility with Demand Gen to gradually increase their ad spend as their online sales grew, maximizing their return on investment.
  •   A local computer hardware retailer saw their revenue triple through google shopping with delivery across the country.
  •   A local tech startup saw a spike in international clients by using Google Display Ads to showcase their innovative software solutions across a network of websites.
  •   A Lebanese restaurant increased its bookings by targeting “near me” searches on Google, showcasing their delicious dishes on both search results and YouTube ads.

Targeting That Hits the Mark

What makes Google Ads truly special is its precision targeting. The platform allows you to pinpoint your audience based on what they’re searching for—this is about catching people when they have a specific intent, like looking for the best coffee shop in Beirut or the latest tech gadgets available in Lebanon.

A dart over papers containing pie charts and bar charts and other statistics

Keyword targeting catching users with high intent together with the powerful insights of analytics is what makes this platform so successful

Strategies That Speak to the Lebanese Market

You can tailor your Google Ads campaigns using keywords, demographics, and even the devices people use. Whether it’s someone searching for a “Lebanese digital marketing agency” on their laptop or looking up “best beach resorts in Lebanon” on their smartphone, you can ensure your ads appear right where they need to be.

Flexibility for Every Size

The platform is designed to fit businesses of all sizes and budgets. Whether you’re a small startup with a modest marketing budget or a growing interprise ready to scale, you can adjust spending to match your goals. These narratives emphasize a crucial point: for Lebanese enterprises, the decision to advertise on Google opens up a world of possibilities.

Google Ads’ Essential Tools for Lebanese Businesses

Jumping into Google Ads isn’t just about launching ads, it’s about smart management to ensure your investment pays off. They offer many free tools to make sure you have the best advertising experience, from finding keywords to tracking and remarketing and of course, knowing what’s going on on your website. Two of the most important tools for Effective Google Ads campaigns are Analytics and Keyword Planner. 

Google Analytics

Google Analytics acts as your business’s health check, revealing how customers interact with your website and which ads drive the most traffic. This is crucial for Lebanese businesses aiming to understand their online audience better and refine their marketing strategies.

You can check what is happening live at your website, where the users come from, what pages they visited and of course set goals to check your conversions and numbers, both in the actual Google Ads platform or on a more granular level Google Analytics.

Keyword Planner

Keyword Planner has come a long way from its initial inception where other websites had way better accuracy with providing keywords, but now it is your compass in the vast sea of online search, helping you discover the exact keywords your potential customers are using.

Having a robust keyword strategy ensures your ads appear for the right searches, from “best place to buy mobile phones” to “Lebanese digital marketing services” you can even view previous performance and future forecast of your selected KWs; making your ad spend more effective.

Smart Optimization: Getting More Bang for Your Buck

Efficient campaign management means not wasting money on irrelevant clicks. It is never set and it and forget it when it comes to managing your Google Ads strategies. 

Regularly refining your campaigns by checking the search terms that are being used and adding keywords both negative and actual search terms helps target only those genuinely interested in your offerings. This smart optimization ensures your budget is spent wisely, maximizing your return on investment.

Conclusion: Boost Your Business with Fatcow Digital and Google Ads

Navigating Google Ads can seem tricky, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right tools and a bit of know-how, you can really get your business out there. And if you’re looking for a little help, Fatcow Digital is here for you. We’re a Google Partner, which means we’ve got the skills and the stamp of approval to help you make the most of Google Ads.

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